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  • Calgary Flames Sports Bank

End of Hockey Season!

As we approach the final days of the hockey season, we hope everyone had a great year.

Now is the time to think about what's next.

What can players do with equipment they have outgrown or no longer need? What can teams do with extra funds? Where can players get the gear sanitized?

The answer to all these questions is KidSport Calgary & The Calgary Flames Sports Bank!

If your hockey player has gear they are no longer going to use or has outgrown the Calgary Flames Sports Bank would be very appreciative if you would donate it to us. We would then use the gear to help other players that need equipment. Thanks to the Wood Automotive Group, there is a convenient location for everyone in Calgary to drop their donated sports equipment off, see link below.

If your team has extra funds from the year and you don't know what to do with them, think about donating it to KidSport Calgary, so we can help low-income families with registration fees and the Sports Bank can purchase new equipment for the next hockey season.

If your going to store your equipment until next hockey season, why not get it sanitized prior to putting it away. For $30.00 you can get your gear sanitized in 30-minutes. Each session gets your gear three runs through the machine, tripling the effectiveness and leaving your gear in great shape. To make it more convenient for you, you can drop your gear off early in the day and pick it up later. 

If you have any questions please email us at

Thank you Calgary, we can't do this without your help and generosity!

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